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School Fundraising Ideas: 5 Easy Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank

School fundraising ideas don’t have to be hard. They just require a bit of creativity and brainstorming to think about what is fun and entertaining for kids.

Here are 5 easy school fundraising ideas that won’t break the bank, and you can put into action straight away!

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School Fundraising Ideas That Just Work!

1. Gaming Console Tournament

Bring a PS3, Xbox or Wii to school and setup a knockout tournament where students can face off against their classmates. Charge an entry fee into the tournament and get some teachers involved as well so the kids can show their teachers whose boss! Have prizes for the winner and runner-up of the tournament.

2. Guess How Many

Get a massive jar of candy and get students guessing how many are in the jar. Or bake a cake, and get students to guess how much it weighs. Encourage students to spend more by offering multiple guesses for a discount (ie: 1 guess for $0.50 or 3 guesses for $1).

3. Money Trail Mayhem

Get all the kids in every class in the school to bring some coins into school and see which class can make the longest money trail. Use some tape to make sure the money trail is straight. Reward prizes for the longest money trail and also for the money trail that adds up to the highest value.

4. Wacky Tacky Dress Day

For a gold coin donation kids and teachers get to dress up in the wackiest and tackiest outfits that they can possibly think of. Award a prize for the ‘Wackiest Tackiest Outfit’.

5. Special Tuckshop Day

Order in or make up a special tuckshop menu item on 1 special day. Some ideas include pizza, lasagne, hamburgers, sushi, banana bread, custard tarts, apple turnover, etc.

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Or call Rosanne (the Owner) on 0433 617 299 to get a free fundraising sponsorship pack for your school.

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