You found us: SNOWY JOEY.
A place where you can buy the best quality premium snow cones syrups in Australia.
BUT you don't have a snow cone machine to shave the ice and make snow cones?
Luckily, we now have snow cone machines for sale (for serious snow cone eaters only!).
If there are none listed, it means we're sold out :(
If that's the case (or you just want to know what else is on the market) to make your own homemade snow cones:
We've done some leg work to find you the best machines around, that other people sell.
Borrow From A Friend
Ask your friends if they have a snow cone machine or ice shaver. They may have purchased one last year and it's sitting in their cupboard!
1) Zip Lock Bag + Ice + Rolling Pin
- Fill a resealable or Zip Lock bag (the kind you might use for sandwiches) with water.
- Seal the bag, and place it in the freezer for three hours.
- Hold the bag under running hot water. This will cause the ice to crack.
- Bash the bag lightly with a rolling pin to finish the job.
2) Tea Towel + Ice + Rolling Pin
- Get out your trusty ice cube tray, fill it with water and pop it in the freezer for about three hours.
- Lay a clean tea towel down on a work surface.
- Place a handful of ice cubes onto the center of the towel.
- Fold the four corners of the towel inward, tying them together tightly with a rubber band.
- Take a large rolling pin, and carefully whack the bundle of ice for approximately five minutes or until crushed.
3) Blender + Ice
- Go to your local supermarket or petrol station to buy a bag of ice.
- Put the ice inside a blender or food processor.
- Press the "crush" or "pulse" button for about a minute. If your blender doesn't have a crush setting use the "chop" or "puree" setting on high and blend for 2-5 minutes.
- Scoop the ice into a cup.
- Pour your Snowy Joey snow cone syrups into your cup of shaved ice and enjoy your refreshing snow cone.
If your ice cubes are too large, blend small amounts of ice thoroughly until you've created a powdered like consistency.
If the pieces of ice are too big it may be helpful to get a bag and crush the ice with a rolling pin beforehand.
1) Your Local Department Store
They bring in snow cone machines for summer, but stock is usually limited. Once sold out they don't tend to get more in until next year.
- Target
- Big W
- K-Mart - they currently have a Frozen Drink Maker for $40.

2) Buy Online
You'll find everything from the basic hand crank machines to the commercial ice shavers on both eBay and Amazon.
Here are few we found:
Hand Crank Manual Ice Shaver - $23.65
Home Electric Ice Crusher - $62
SOGA ice Shaver 300W Electric Ice Crusher - $89.90
Commercial Ice Shaver - $420.67
Our recommendations are based on what we have found available at the time of posting this and from our own experience. If these machines aren't available, then search for similar machines on eBay using the machine titles.
We searched for machines that have great reviews, but not all the machines have reviews as they come on the market week to week. So please do your own research of the machine and the seller prior to purchasing.
Enjoy your summer!
(And your Snowy Joey premium quality snow cone syrups.)
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