Club Fundraising: How To Get $1,755.50 Fundraising Cash For Free

Traditionally, to raise club fundraising money you need to…

  • run meat raffles
  • ask for cash donations from local businesses in return for promoting the company’s brand on club jerseys
  • get creative and round up a team of volunteers to run a family fun day or other special event

But what if you could get $1,755.50 worth of fundraising cash for FREE without having to do anything?

The Ultimate Club Fundraising Idea

That’s exactly what Kirsty Fields, the Football Club Manager at Redcliffe Dolphins Rugby League Club did.

This is how she did:

Step 1… Downloaded a Snowy Joey Fun Foods Fundraising Flyer

Step 2… Invited Snowy Joey’s snow cone and fairy floss stands to all of the Redcliffe Dolphins junior rugby league home game fixtures, junior carnivals, special events and end-of-year presentation day

Step 3… Let us know approx. how many kids would be at each event so we could determine which of our per serve donations the club would qualify for

Across the whole club season, Snowy Joey…

– Provided Snow Cones, Fairy Floss & Popcorn for any event, any day, any time!
– Donated $1,755.50 fundraising cash back to the club

Since 2010 Snowy Joey has attended over 150 events at the Redcliffe Dolphins!

From their Junior weekly fixtures to Carnival Days, Presentation Days, Senior home game days and even events hosted by the club like State Touch Football Comps and NRL Development Days.

Here is what Kirsty had to say…

Kirsty booked Snowy Joey for all of Redcliffe Dolphins Rugby League events at the start of the season and didn’t have to worry about anything else.

It was 100% hassle-free club fundraising.

Download our Fun Foods Fundraising Flyer to see what donation per serve you can get for your club.

If you host events with more than 200 kids, you might be able to get a similar fundraising donation like the Redcliffe Dolphins Rugby League club.

If you host smaller events, then other fundraising options are available and these are all listed in the Fun Foods Fundraising Flyer.

If you want to fundraise like the Redcliffe Dolphins Rugby League club, download the Snowy Joey Fun Foods Fundraising Flyer below and reply with a list of all your season’s events.

Get My Fundraising Flyer Now

If you have already downloaded a Fun Foods Fundraising Flyer, call Rosanne (the Owner) on 0433 617 299 to get this free fundraising offer for your club or discuss what fundraising donation you qualify for.

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